The Association of Private Care Providers
The Association of Private Care Providers is an association for companies providing private care services in Sweden.
The main purpose of the association is to support the members in their roles as entrepreneurs and, above all, as employers.
The association is a party in collective agreements, agreed with the unions salaries and terms of employment, and advices the members in all matters concerning employer-staff relations. The Association of Private Care Providers offers expertise and support in negotiations, compensation and benefits, working environment, labour law, insurance, skill development and equal opportunities.
Apart from issues related to labour law, the association is also involved, through lobbying and policy debate, in questions regarding economic policies in order to give private care providers better opportunities to grow and develop. One of the main objectives is to strive for freedom of choice and to demonstrate to the public the importance of variety in care provision.
Among 2 000 member companies, most businesses in private care is represented, such as dentist, dental laboratories, doctors, hospitals, ambulance services, care centres, occupational health and safety, nursing-homes, elderly care providers, and providers of care of the disabled.
There are approximately 100 000 employees on annual basis within the member companies.
The Association of Private Care Providers is also a member of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and co-operates with six other employer associations, all representing various service companies and focusing on key issues in each industry. Our head office is situated in Stockholm and there are seven regional offices throughout Sweden.
For more information, please contact head office at
+46 (0)8 762 69 00